Climate Mitigation & Adaption

by | Jun 24, 2019 | 0 comments

Plenary Council: Motion 24th June 2019

Motion: That the council outline how budget, resources and priority will be allocated to effect the Climate Change Adaptation Strategy 2019-2024 given the extreme urgency for action in the context of the climate crisis and species extinction. 
Cllrs Vincent P. Martin, Vanessa Liston and Peter Hamilton

from Council
Report: All actions are flagged as either ‘ budgeted ‘ or ‘non-budgeted ‘. In relation to the former, many actions relate to the reorientation of existing activity or to strengthening governance aspects and, therefore, do not have [significant ] financial implications. In relation to the latter, the financial implications will be considered as part of the forthcoming 2020 annual budgetary process, the preparation of which will commence very shortly. There will likely be a need for prioritisation 


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