Municipal District: 18 December 2020
Motion – Councillor Vanessa Liston: That this Municipal District is provided with a presentation that highlights the areas of responsibility and specific actions for protecting and monitoring drinking water sources in our municipal district, by the various agencies and public bodies, with inclusion of representatives from each of the bodies.
Report: Irish Water is the national water utility responsible for the delivery of water services to homes and businesses in Ireland. The elected member should contact Irish Water via the dedicated Local Representative Service Desk in compliance with Irish Water instructions and protocol. The contact details are as follows; Telephone: 1890 178 178
The next Irish Water Clinic is on 21st December at 1pm
Report issued by: Mr E Fagan, Director of Services, Water Services and
Environment Department.
Discussion and outcome: Councillor Liston sought clarification over which organisation was responsible for protecting and monitoring drinking water sources. She made contact with Irish Water and Glasco but they sent her back to Water Services, Kildare County Council. The members would like clarification on what organisation is responsible for what as there seemed to be gaps in relation to where the responsibility lies. The members would like a presentation that would bring all these organisations together to provide a better understanding for the members.
Mr O’Gorman confirmed he would check with the Environment, Water Services and Climate Action Office to see who best could provide a presentation to clarify this situation. In the interim Mr O’Gorman would liaise with Councillor Liston.
Resolved on the proposal of Councillor Liston, seconded by Councillor Caldwell and agreed by the members that the report be noted and Mr O’Gorman would check with the Environment, Water Services and Climate Action office to see who best could provide a presentation to clarify this situation.