Municipal District: 18 December 2020
Motion – Councillor Vanessa Liston: That the Roads Department outline the findings of the speed analysis at Tea Lane, and where the need for calming measures is indicated, to provide an overview of these and an estimated timeline for implementation.
Report: The speed survey for Tea Lane gave some irregular values for the location and it is proposed to resurvey the road when traffic volumes return in the new year. It is important to note that where cars are travelling in excess of the posted speed limit for the road, the Gardaí should be contacted to enforce the speed limit. The Municipal District Engineer has requested the Gardaí to carry out speed checks on Tea Lane when they have available resources. There is no funding allocated to install traffic calming at this location.
Discussion and outcome: Councillor Liston welcomed the explanation from the Municipal District Engineer. It was anticipated this would be carried out during the second week in January when the children were back in school to get an accurate reading.
Resolved on the proposal of Councillor Liston, seconded by Councillor Caldwell and agreed by the members that the report be noted.