Municipal District: 22 January 2021
Question – Councillor Vanessa Liston: Can the council confirm if the Celbridge habitat data provided as an output of the Celbridge Habitat Survey report been published as GIS layers, if so could you provide the link to the map be provided and if not can this be done?
Report: The Habitat Survey (and associated mapping) informed the preparation and formulation of the land use zoning and development strategy adopted in the Celbridge Local Area Plan 2017-2023. The Planning Department does not currently make this information available on the GIS as it should not be read in isolation from the supporting narrative derived from the habitat survey. The maps and associated narrative (including appropriate policies and objectives for the protection of habitats, etc.) are available in the Celbridge LAP document.
Issued by: Mr E Ryan, Director of Service, Planning, Strategic Development Department and Public Realm Department.
Discussion and outcome: Councillor Liston welcomed the report however detail in the report was not clear on rationale as there are a lot of data layers, maps, powerful tools that are not being utilised adequately.
Ms C O Donnell advised she would revert to Councillor Liston on her query. The report was noted.