Recording of flood data

by | Feb 19, 2021 | 0 comments

Municipal District:  19 February 2021 

Question – Councillor Vanessa Liston: Can the council confirm what determines if and when the council records localised flooding events in the municipal district (not included on OPW’s maps) using the OPW flood data collection form? 

Report: The OPW Past Flood Events Forms have been circulated to the Municipal District offices. These forms require input across several headings, such as flood data (including depth and flow) and impact of the flood event (including impacts on people and properties). The Municipal District Engineer determines if there is meaningful and useful data available from each specific event to facilitate the completion of the form. 

Issued by: Edel O’Brien, Senior Executive Engineer, Environment Department 

Discussion and outcome: Councillor Liston welcomed the report. She would like to know where these forms are stored and are they available to view. Mr Fagan advised he could check what forms are completed and if they are available. The report was noted.


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