Providing reports of the Environmental Performance Assessment

by | Mar 19, 2021 | 0 comments

Municipal District:  19 February 2021 

Motion: That the council provides a report at the March Celbridge-Leixlip Municipal District meeting on the findings of the Environmental Performance Assessment 2019 (and 2020 if available) by the EPA, relevant to this municipal district, with a copy of the same circulated in advance to members. 

Report: The EPA advise that they will not be issuing individual local authority assessment reports for 2019, however they will be releasing a national report in the coming weeks. A copy of the report or link can be forwarded to members when available and if any member has any queries re same, they can contact Environment Section 

Issued by: Mr M Holligan, Senior Engineer, Environment Department 

Discussion and outcome: Councillor Liston welcomed the national report however she was really looking for the detail at county level and broken down further into municipal district level (if available) and for it to be presented at the municipal district meeting to the members.

She also enquired, if the EPA were not doing an up to date report, why was this? Mr Fagan advised he would request the information from Mr Holligan, Senior Engineer in Environment.

Resolved on the proposal of Councillor Liston, seconded by Councillor Galvin and agreed by the members that the report be noted and Mr Fagan would request the information from Mr Holligan, Senior Engineer in Environment once he received the report from the EPA and would make it available to the members.


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