Municipal District: 21 May 2021
Motion: That the council works with local communities and businesses to provide at least one car free Sunday on Main Street in Celbridge from June-September in order to create a safe and welcoming community space for socialising, recreation and play.
Report: The current request to close Main Street, Celbridge, albeit on a temporary basis, would need to be cognisant of the impact this would have on vehicular movement, particularly on public transport, access arrangements and emergency access facilities.
The statutory procedures for a Temporary Road Closure will need to be undertaken. This process requires advertising, public consultation etc. and takes approximately 8 weeks to complete, meaning the earliest the closure could come into effect would be late July/early August.
Warning signage, detour signage would be required in accordance with Traffic Management Plan for the temporary closure should it proceed. The signage will need to be put in place at suitable locations and removed at the end of each closure period.
As the closure would attract additional footfall to the area, it could lead to an increase in littering. It will not be possible to provide any increased street cleaning/bin collection service should this occur.
Discussion and outcome: Councillor Liston welcomed the report, reflecting on a very hard year endured by all due to COVID-19. She noted the car free Sunday, would promote local businesses, get community life across all generations back together, and would create an open space environment.
Following discussion, the following points were raised by the members
- A one-day event like was a good idea, but there was a lot to consider whenorganising it.
- It could be very expensive, funding resources and insurance would need to beconsidered.
- An out-door event like this could be hindered by unpredictable weather
- There was only one main street in Celbridge where this could occur, if therewere other streets where it might happen, it would be more viable.
- Health and safety and traffic congestion were major issues.
- Who was going to drive the project?
- The streets could not be closed during mass times, residents also need to beable to access their houses.The Municipal District Engineer stated there would be a body of work to consider and would require a committee to run it.
Councillor Cussen proposed an amendment to the motion,
That a feasibility study be carried out to assess if Celbridge Main Street could be pedestrianised for one Sunday in August / September.
The amended motion was proposed by Councillor Cussen seconded by Councillor Liston and agreed by all members.
Resolved on the proposal of Councillor Cussen seconded by Councillor Liston and agreed by the members that a feasibility study be carried out to assess if Celbridge Main Street could be pedestrianised for one Sunday in August.