Development of Cycle Routes

by | Apr 23, 2022 | 0 comments

Municipal District: 22 April 2022

Question: Can the council confirm what are the planned maintenance, improvements and upgrades to current cycle routes in Celbridge in 2022 and associated funding sources?

Report: The Municipal District office cycle lane maintenance schedule includes mechanical sweeping of surfaces and the repair to surfaces, markings, and associated cycle lane furniture where damaged.

At the municipal district meeting in March 2022, a summary of the work programme for the Sustainable Transport Section was presented by the Senior Engineer and discussed with all members. As explained, the programme for 2022 does not include changes to the facilities for cyclists in Celbridge Town but that it is intended to include a review of existing cycle infrastructure in future work programmes for the team, subject to funding.

Issued by: All of the above reports except item 14 were issued by Ms P Pender, A/Senior Executive Officer, Roads, Transportation and Public Safety Department.

Discussion and outcome: Councillor Liston noted the report and sought clarification on the current cycle lanes and would they be repainted. The Municipal District Engineer advised that faded cycle lanes would be repainted.
The report was noted.


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