Thank you to everyone who came to the public meeting in Celbridge on the 15th May and joined the discussion on how the challenge of Climate Change can help us to build a powerful voice for sustainable development for Celbridge. The inspiring contributions of Lorna Gold, author of Climate Generation and Cllr Malcolm Noonan of the Green Party led into an engaged discussion around the scale of the challenge and what can be done.
Malcolm focused on the role of community and the importance of engagement and community voice in mobilising for environmental protection. He discussed the example of the Central Access Scheme controversy in Kilkenny which highlighted the relationship – sometimes strained – between citizens and Council in making decisions on issues that affect the environment.
Lorna gave an impassioned talk on the need for urgent action. Using her inspired Doodle on different climate scenarios plotted along milestones in her life she outlined how we can all mobilised and the absolute critical importance of doing so.
Congratulations on her success with her book ‘Climate Generation’ and her soon to happen launch in the US. Good luck to Malcolm who is running for his 4th terms as Green Party Councillor for Kilkenny! As follow up to the meeting please contact any of us, Lorna, Malcolm or myself about any climate initiative that you may be starting or would like to get involved in, Kildare or Kilkenny’s climate actions, or ideas that you have for advancing climate actions in your area!