Green Forum – Second Meeting

by | Jan 20, 2020 | 0 comments

The next Green Forum will take place on Tuesday 28th January from 7-9pm in the Acre Project, Maynooth Road, Celbridge, Co. Kildare.

The aims of the Green Forum are to 1) connect everyone interested in working towards reducing carbon and increase biodiversity recovery in Celbridge and surrounding areas and 2) to create an active channel for feeding into Council on environment and related issues.

Come along to meet and join others to work on climate and biodiversity action in Celbridge and surrounding areas.

See a blog from our last forum here:

The next meeting will see updates on the glyphosate and biodiversity project; air quality sensors; and the Planning Development Bill that aims to restrict public rights to appeal on planning matters and more.

Let us know you hope to join us for teas and coffees:


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