Development of a Climate Change Risk Assessment

by | Sep 17, 2022 | 0 comments

Municipal District: 16 September 2022

Motion: That the council develop a climate change risk assessment for the municipal district toinclude hazard, risk and consequences; impact severity, likelihood and exposure, aswell as existing controls and response options/opportunities.

Report: Under the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Act2021 and Climate Action Plan Act 2021 each local authority is to develop a ClimateAction Plan (CAP). This will include assessment and analysis of the risks associatedwith Climate Change for the county and the mitigation and adaptation actions includingopportunities associated. In the case of Kildare County Council, a Sustainable EnergyClimate Action Plan/Climate Action Plan (SECAP/CAP) is being developed to meet therequirements under the Covenant of Mayors (of which we are signatories), the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Act 2021 and Climate Action Plan Act 2021. It is our understanding that the guidance required to develop the CAP are due to be published shortly enabling the advancement of the SECAP/CAP.
This motion can be considered further when the guidelines are issued. While a broader countywide climate risk assessment is envisaged there is the unlikely possibility that such will be required at municipal district level.

Issued by: Ms P O’Rourke, Climate Action Officer.


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