
News, Updates and Resources

Here I report on some events and activities in which I have been involved that relate to an issue affecting our locality or County. Also are articles discussing specific topics or motions that have been raised at Council, as well as articles highlighting progress on plans, services or facilities.   Get in touch if you would like to meet, get involved with, or have comments on any of these issues. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section also or share for discussion on social media.


Childcare Cost Reductions – Dept response to query

This post outlines the response from Minister O'Gorman's office to a constituent comment regarding the adequacy of the new childcare cost and sector measures (enquiry Oct 5th 2022). Response from Dept: Dec 30th 2022On 15th September, the Minister launched Together for...

Community discussion with Minister Malcolm Noonan on Biodiversity & Heritage

Join our online Green Forum community meeting next Wednesday 3rd March at 7pm where we will be in discussion with Minister of State Malcolm Noonan on biodiversity and heritage in the context of county development plans. As our development plan consultation is open...

Submission to Open Space & Recreation strategy

I welcome the opportunity to provide feedback and suggestions as part of the Open Space and Recreation strategy public consultation. Previous strategy The current 2011 strategy states that An open space strategy enables a local authority to adopt an organised approach...
Dart+Maynooth Rail Project

Dart+Maynooth Rail Project

On behalf of the Municipal District all Councillors made the following submission to the first phase of the consultation on expansion of the Dart service to Maynooth. Submission to Dart + Maynooth ConsultationFrom Celbridge-Leixlip Municipal District, Co. KildareDate:...

Elimination of Glyphosate Use

Elimination of Glyphosate Use

Full Council: 19 October 2020 Motion: That given the very positive glyphosate phase-out pilot that took place across the county this year, the Parks Department outlines plans for rolling out these actions to all public areas in the coming year with a view to the...

EV charging point

EV charging point

Celbridge-Leixlip Municipal District: 16 October 2020 Question: Can the council confirm what is the cost to Kildare County Council of installing an EV charging point in the municipal district after the government grant of 75%? Report: It is not possible to give a...

Grass cut-and-lift policy to support biodiversity

Grass cut-and-lift policy to support biodiversity

Celbridge-Leixlip Municipal District: 16 October 2020 Motion: Given the benefits of a grass cut-and-lift policy for supporting biodiversity that the Parks Department investigates with stake holders different options and costings in advance of the 2021 budget to enable...

People with medical priority status on housing list

People with medical priority status on housing list

Celbridge-Leixlip Municipal District: 16 October 2020 Question: Can the council confirm how many families/persons are on the housing list with medical priority status in the Celbridge-Leixlip Municipal District? Report: The number of housing applicants in the...

Bridge over the Blakestown crossing

Bridge over the Blakestown crossing

Celbridge-Leixlip Municipal District: 16 October 2020 Motion: That this municipal district makes a submission to the Dart + West public consultation in which we call for a bridge for cyclists and pedestrians over the Blakestown crossing (which is due to be closed)...

Covid-19 response experiences among community groups.

Covid-19 response experiences among community groups.

Full Council: 21 September 2020 Councillor Vanessa Liston: That the council consult with community groups that participated in The Community Call during the first phase of the national Covid-19 response to gain an understanding of their experiences, what worked well...

Flood Reports Submission

Flood Reports Submission

Municipal District: 17 July 2020 Question: Can the council confirm if flood event report forms have been submitted by Kildare County Council to the Office of Public Works with regard to flooding in Kilwogan and Ballygoran, Celbridge based on reports from residents to...

Protected Ballygoran stream

Protected Ballygoran stream

Municipal District: 17 July 2020 Question: Can the council clarify why it regards Ballygoran stream not to be a source of drinking water as outlined in the response to motion at the February meeting when the Environmental Protection Agency has marked the stream as a...