Municipal District: 19 March 2021
Motion – Councillor Vanessa Liston: That the council run a public awareness campaign in the municipal district, promoting the benefit for pollinators of reduced grass cutting and avoiding herbicides, in print and online media and among all its networks.
Report: The Council is building awareness of the benefits of reduced mowing, reduced herbicide usage, providing habitat and food sources for pollinators through various promotional tools and work streams.
Such examples include
- Press Releases – including Kildare County Council signed up as a Local Authority Partner to the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan on February 22nd, 2021.
- Social media posts – over various platforms at Corporate level such as the launch of Kildare County Councils Climate Change Adaptation Strategy September 2019 and alternative maintenance trial sites being piloted in 2020.
- Department specific Social Media – for example Community Stories Facebook Page has promoted since 2020 the alternative maintenance methods being trialled on public open spaces including biodiversity and has built a strong following. More work will be undertaken in 2021. Over a 3 weeks period a weekly post will inform on the 15 March
- Hashtags – the hashtag #biodiversitykildare is used to promote posts including competitions, practical guidance, general information etc. by the Community Department, Biodiversity Officer and Corporate Services.
- Signage – All Ireland Pollinator Plan signs are used to denote the countywide trial sites demonstrating the options being piloted.
- Networking – The Parks Department work with PPN to disseminate information to community groups and work closely with community groups on pollinator friendly initiatives.
- Information/Awareness – The Parks Department and the Biodiversity Officer promote pollinators by assisting with information and educational opportunities. Citizen Science projects are to be enhanced as restrictions ease.
- By example – The Parks Department is replacing spraying with strimming on public open spaces from 2021 onwards.
- Community Grants – environmental sustainability is an award criteria associated with the Residents Association Grant.
- Other – Awards, competitions, green procurement etc.
Given the mainstreaming of Climate Action across the Council electronic media is preferred to ease the burden placed on natural resources and our environment.
Issued by: Mr S Wallace, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent, Community and Cultural Development Department.