Cyclist Safety Meassures

by | Apr 24, 2022 | 0 comments

Municipal District: 22 April 2022

Question: Can the council confirm what measures can be taken to address the safety issues faced by cyclists when they are overtaken by motorists at the islands on Main Street, Celbridge?

Report: The function of the centre islands on the Main Street in Celbridge is to provide safe refuge for pedestrians crossing the main street. There is no provision for motorists to overtake cyclists at these locations. There are ample clear road markings and vertical “keep left” bollard signs to direct motorists to maintain a position in the driving lane. The total distance where there is no provision for overtaking is 80 metres. This is not a significant distance for a vehicle to travel behind a cyclist without overtaking in a low-speed setting. Any vehicles overtaking cyclists in these areas is poor driver behaviour and is an enforcement issue for An Garda Síochána.

Discussion and outcome: In response to a clarification from Councillor Liston, the District Engineer confirmed that the use of marked chevrons at the location is consistent with how this safety issue is communicated to drivers in all such locations.
The report was noted.


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