Illegal Waste Disposal Enforcements and Actions

by | Dec 16, 2022 | 0 comments

Municipal District: 16 December 2022

Question – Councillor Vanessa Liston 

Can the council confirm how many illegal waste disposal reports, actions,  enforcements and court actions (successful or unsuccessful) were taken in the  municipal district from Jan 2021-Dec 2022? 


  • Environmental clean-ups undertaken – 63 
  • Enforcement notices served – 54 
  • Litter fines – 20 
  • Cases under investigation – 21 
  • Cases closed – 8  
  • Convictions – 2  

If the Councillor has any specific incident(s) in mind please advise the Environment  Department accordingly and they can provide an update. 

Issued by Mr K Kavanagh, Senior Executive Officer, Environment Section


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