News, Updates and Resources
Here I report on some events and activities in which I have been involved that relate to an issue affecting our locality or County. Also are articles discussing specific topics or motions that have been raised at Council, as well as articles highlighting progress on plans, services or facilities. Get in touch if you would like to meet, get involved with, or have comments on any of these issues. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section also or share for discussion on social media.
Access to Environmental Data
18th Dec. 2021 Question: Can the council confirm how members of this municipal district can access environmental information that is provided by Kildare County Council to the Environmental Data Exchange Network (EDEN)? Report: EDEN is the EPA’s online web portal for...
Townland Boundary Map
17th Dec. 2021 Motion: That the council develop a map of hedgerows that are townland boundaries for the municipal district, with a view to their protection under the Boundary Survey (Ireland) Act, 1854 and that this information is provided in Open Data format. Report:...
Land ownership M4
17th Dec 2021 Question: Can the council confirm if it or Transport Infrastructure Ireland owns the land folio references KE60699F and KE6260 along the M4 in Celbridge? Report: All lands acquired for road schemes are always eventually registered to Kildare County...
Second bridge: Celbridge-Hazelhatch Link Road consultation update
19th November 2021Motion: That the council outline which specific reports are referred to in the consultation plan for the Celbridge to Hazelhatch Link Road and to confirm that an environmental constraint report will be published as part of the consultation materials...
Celbridge Leixlip LPT Residents Associations Small Project Fund
The Councillors of the Celbridge Leixlip Municipal District have developed a new fund from Local Property Tax for 2021: The Celbridge Leixlip Residents’ Associations Small Projects Fund. AIM: The aim of this fund is to allow Residents’ Associations to undertake...
Celbridge Leixlip LPT Community Innovation Fund
The Councillors of the Celbridge-Leixlip Municipal District have developed a new fund from Local Property Tax 2021 - the Celbridge Leixlip Community Innovation Fund. The fund incorporates COVID community activities. AIM: The aim of this fund is to allow groups, for...
Equality impact assessments
Full council: 29 March 2021 Councillor Vanessa Liston: That the council implement an equality impact assessment process as part of the development stages of all council plans and policies. Report: Subject to the members approval, the Council is...
County Biodiversity Plan
Full Council: 31 May 2021 Motion: That the council provides an update on progress and a timeline for publication of the new Kildare Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan. Report: The Heritage Office intends to commence the preparation of the County Biodiversity Plan...
Pilot Youth Participation Forum
Municipal District: 21 May 2021 Question: Can the council advise what is the current status of the project for establishing a pilot youth participation forum in Celbridge? Report: Please see reply attached from INSYNC. Discussion and outcome: Councillor Liston...