Municipal District: 7th July 2020
Motion – Councillor Vanessa Liston: That the council develops a transport strategy for Celbridge and Leixlip and applies to the National Transport Authority for funding as soon as possible in 2020.
Kildare County Council Planning Directorate has asked the Roads and Transport Directorate to develop transport strategies associated with various Local Area Plans in 2020. These are orientated around the Planning Directorate’s programme for this year. It does not include a Transport Strategy for Celbridge. The Roads and Transport Directorate will need to complete those strategies before starting any further work. Therefore, it will not be possible to complete a Transport Strategy for Celbridge in 2020.
Discussion and outcome at meeting (see September minutes of this July meeting)
Councillor Liston stated that there was an urgent need for a Transport Strategy for both Celbridge and Leixlip and they should not need to be linked to Local Area Plans. Councillor Liston stated that the result from the recent online public realm surveys had shown that the biggest issue people had in relation to their towns was congestion. Councillor Liston stated that a Transport Strategy should be put in place to encourage and promote a shift from dependency on motor vehicles to bicycle use and the Covid-19 crisis had created a catalyst for change and the development of a Transport Strategy should be put in place without delay.
The Municipal District Engineer agreed that in his opinion there was a need for Transport Strategy for both towns. He stated that he would discuss the matter with the Director of Service to see if the transport strategy could be advanced and smaller projects progressed through NTA funding and he would report back to the municipal district members.
In response to a question from Councillor Killeen regarding the delay, the District Manager confirmed that the Municipal District Engineer had agreed to carry out some groundwork but advised the members that there was still the issue of the provision of the large amount of staff resources that would be required.
In response to a question from Councillor Cussen, the District Manager confirmed that special development contributions were not off the agenda for funding projects.
Resolved on the proposal of Councillor Liston, seconded by Councillor Caldwell, that the Municipal District Engineer discuss the Transport Strategy for Celbridge with the Director of Services for Roads, Transportation and Public Services to see if the matter could be advanced and report back to the Municipal District Members.
would love to see something real happening in celbridge, in leixlip, in confey, in maynooth…………………re terrible congestion in all areas………..nobody wishes to see mondello come to any of the above areas but nice steady flows would be nice and acceptable for all methods of transport…………..public and private, pedestrians and cyclists……………….some new roads, some new bridges, more walkways, more pedestrian bridges in good locations, some car parks, owned by kcc in good locations…………….all combined might help………………agree buses should not get stuck on main streets for 30 to 40 minutes daily…………..some changes have to happen asap…………………….north kildare is a traffic black spot………………..needs special government funding to sort it out…………..before more houses come to town……………………..???? any chance……………….thank you for opp to vent…………………….