Parochial House Celbridge

by | Mar 24, 2023 | 0 comments

Municipal District: 24 March 2023

Question: Can the council provide a timeline by which the Parochial House in Celbridge will  become available for community use and what measures or steps need to be in place  in advance?  

Report: The purchase of the Parochial House and lands in Celbridge is not yet  completed. The draft contracts were issued on the 9 March to the Council solicitor for  review. There are still outstanding legal steps regarding the deeds that need to be  completed by the vendor before the sale can be closed. We have been advised by the  Diocesan solicitor of a tentative date of summer 2023 but the delays to the completion  of the sale are not within the Council’s or the Dioceses’ control. 

The Library Service are already engaging with the Public Realm Team to prepare a  spatial analysis and site strategy for inclusion in the Celbridge Town Renewal Master  Plan that will include plans for a library, recreational and community facilities. This masterplan will then help inform the application process for the next URDF  funding call which is expected by the end of this year.  

URDF funding will be required to progress the project forward to the Design Stage and  Part 8 consultation. 

Issued by Ms G Allen, A/County Librarian

Discussion: The report was noted.


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