
News, Updates and Resources

Here I report on some events and activities in which I have been involved that relate to an issue affecting our locality or County. Also are articles discussing specific topics or motions that have been raised at Council, as well as articles highlighting progress on plans, services or facilities.   Get in touch if you would like to meet, get involved with, or have comments on any of these issues. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section also or share for discussion on social media.


Childcare Cost Reductions – Dept response to query

This post outlines the response from Minister O'Gorman's office to a constituent comment regarding the adequacy of the new childcare cost and sector measures (enquiry Oct 5th 2022). Response from Dept: Dec 30th 2022On 15th September, the Minister launched Together for...

Community discussion with Minister Malcolm Noonan on Biodiversity & Heritage

Join our online Green Forum community meeting next Wednesday 3rd March at 7pm where we will be in discussion with Minister of State Malcolm Noonan on biodiversity and heritage in the context of county development plans. As our development plan consultation is open...

Submission to Open Space & Recreation strategy

I welcome the opportunity to provide feedback and suggestions as part of the Open Space and Recreation strategy public consultation. Previous strategy The current 2011 strategy states that An open space strategy enables a local authority to adopt an organised approach...
Air Quality

Air Quality

Together with Celbridge residents and members of the Green Party, we have been developing and installing air quality monitors both in Celbridge and through out the county. These monitors are showing spikes in particle matter that within certain weather conditions and...

Bus flow

Bus flow

Municipal District meeting: 11th November 2019 Motion: That the council provide a solution to physically prevent illegal parking between the bus stop on English Row and the entrance to The Mill in Celbridge.I raised this motion because Dublin Bus indicated in a...

Liffey Crossing

Liffey Crossing

At the December 2019 Municipal District Meeting I requested an update on the progress of this project. The Council responded that that are awaiting National Transport Authority (NTA) approval and funding in order to progress to Part 8 and design. The following...

Cycle Lanes Aghards Road

Cycle Lanes Aghards Road

Municipal District Meeting: 19 December 2019Motion:  That the council develop cycle lanes on the Aghards Road in Celbridge to connect those on the Shackleton Road and Maynooth Road to enhance safety for cyclists and pedestrians and to increase the connectivity between...

Green Forum – First Meeting

Green Forum – First Meeting

Thank to everyone who came to the first meeting of the Green Forum in the Acre Project, Celbridge last Wednesday 4th Dec. The idea behind the Forum is to connect everyone interested in climate change and biodiversity recovery and to mobilise for concrete actions that...

Open Data

Open Data

Plenary Council 25th November 2019 Motion: That given the recognised contribution of Open Data for efficiency in delivery of services, innovation, the creation of new business models and public participation, Kildare County Council develops a policy on Open Data that...

Cycle racks at library

Cycle racks at library

Municipal District Meeting: 20th September 2019 Motion: That the Council installs cycle racks at Celbridge Library.   Report:  The Municipal District Engineer has agreed to arrange installation of cycle racks at Celbridge...

Submission: Kildare County Council Corporate Plan 2019-2024

Submission: Kildare County Council Corporate Plan 2019-2024

Submission: 30th September 2019 At a time of enormous change and climate crisis, it is timely for Kildare County Council’s new Corporate Plan to be ambitious and set out a bold vision and goals for the next five years. There have been many legislative developments in...